
Eau Claire, WI weather: is an easy website to understand and navigate for Eau Claire weather.  There is also a drop down menu of different types of weather maps on the top line.
Here is the link to basic Eau Claire weather:
And here is the link to the current surface weather map that I visit every day: is another easy website to understand and navigate for Eau Claire weather.  On the top line, there is also a drop down menu of weather maps to look at:

National Weather Service's page for Eau Claire is easy to understand and read as all the information you need/want is on the same page!:

This is the weather station run by the University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire. Basic information is easy to find on the first page and to the left are many pages for more detailed weather information on Eau Claire:

Unisys Weather shows basic weather information and forecast for Eau Claire as well as has links to maps: surface (station model), radar (precip), visible satelitte (clouds), and infrared satellite (clouds with precip): is another easy site to navigate.  All the basic weather information is on the first page.  This site also has great maps to look at which can be found at the top of the page listed in blue: forecast, current, radar, satellite:

Note:  All of these links can be modified for any place you wish to see the weather for.