February 24: Today started out on the cloudier side, but now the skies have cleared and it's sunny out! It's about 28 degrees out with a light wind out of the NE, making feel just a little chillier out. It should cloud back over later though.
February 23: Yesterday was about 34 degrees and rather off and on with clouds.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
February 22
Today's weather is much changed compared to the last two days. It is no longer cloudy and snowing! It is bright and sunny out. However, the temperature is only 21 degrees and feels like 14 degrees out due to a light SE wind and having no cloud cover.
Monday, February 21, 2011
February 21
Today is much like yesterday right now, it's snowing hard! It's colder than yesterday, about 18 degrees, with winds coming out of the NE at 15mph. Looks the snow will continue through the better part of today.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
February 20
It is SNOWING out!! After all those days of warmth and melting snow... mother nature tricked us into thinking she was done. It's been snowing for several hours now and winds have been blowing about 20mph from the NE. It's also around 27 degrees out. It would seem as though the combination high pressure form the north and low pressure from the south just creates the cold and moisture needed for this type of winter storm!
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